Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Orang yang berbeda

Hari ini perjuangan yang melelahkan sekaligus perjuangan yang menyenangkan dalam sebuah sejarah hidup seorang dony...
perasaan tentang kebanggan pada rumah prestasi yang membanggakan dalam hidup menjadi titik balik kehidupan.
Memang saat ini ku sendirian dalam menghadapi perjuangan berok tapi semoga para perua-petua yang ada di sini bisa dan mampu mendukung spirit serta moril.
Kekuatan itu akan tiba saat kau bersemangat melakukannya.
kekuatan itu akan tiba saat kau Ikhlas melakukannya
Kekuatan itu akan tiba saat kau ada Cinta tuk melakukannya
Kekuatan itu akan tiba saat ada Ukhuwah tuk melakukannya.
Mulai saat ini

kau kan jadi orang yang berbeda dengan orang lain selanjutnya.

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Indahnya hidup bersama Rasulullah

Segala puji hanyalah milik Allah yang menggenggam setiap kejadian. Pengangkat setiap kemuliaan. Penyempurna setiap kebahagiaan…Shalawat serta salam semoga senantiasa menyelimuti Rasulullah Saw. Tercinta berikut keluarga, kerabat dan umatnya sepanjang zaman.

Wahai saudara-saudaraku….seluruh mahasiswa dan warga FIK Unnes yang budiman.

Sungguh setiap orang sangat merindukan hidup ini penuh kebahagiaan, kemuliaan, kehormatan, dan kesuksesan dunia dan akhirat. Namun kenyataanya sering sekali tak sesuai dengan harapan. Padahal hidup di dunia hanya sekali dan belum tentu lama. Kita harus segera menemukan kunci yang dapat membuka pintu karunia idaman kita.

Ternyata, bentuk kebaikan apapun yang dicita-citakan sudah ada contoh nyatanya. Itulah pribadi Rasulullah Muhammad Saw, manusia terbaik sepanjang zaman yang baru saja kita peringati hari kelahirannya 9 Maret 2009 (12 Rabiul Awal 1430 H) kemarin. Ia diciptakan oleh Allah bagi kita semua sebagai suri tauladan umat. Hal ini sesuai dengan firman Allah dalam Al-Qur’an Surah Al-Ahzab (33) ayat 21,

“ Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri tauladan yang baik bagimu (yaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap rahmat Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut Allah.”

Apabila kita dengan sungguh-sungguh mengenal adan berusaha keras mengamalkan sesuatu yang ada pada diri Rasulullah insya Allah kita akan mendapat keuntungan yang dapat segera dirasakan manfaatnya, antara lain sebagai berikut

1. Hidup Menjadi Lebih Mudah Dan Indah

Meniru akan jauh lebih mudah dari pada mengerang atau menciptakan sendiri. Meniru kebaikan bukanlah hal tecela. Bahkan, meniru sikap Rasul merupakan ibadah berpahala.

Tentu saja hal ini akan membuat hidup kita jauh lebih mudah dan indah karena segalanya ada contohnya dan jelas suri tauladannya. Bagi seseorang yang berjalan di hutan belantara yang rumit dan berbahaya, namun bila ada penunjuk jalan yang sangat mahir dan menguasai medan tentu pejalanan akah jauh lebih mudah dan menyenangkan. Jauh lebih aman karena bias menghindar dari bahaya. Semuanya lebih mudah didapat dengan panduan Sang Penunjuk Jalan dan jelas kita kan sampai ke tujuan dengan tepat dan selamat

2. Hidup Menjadi Lebih Mulia dan Terhormat

Karena standar perilaku Nabi Muhammad saw begitu tinngi dan mulia, secara tak langsung, baik sadar atau tidak, jelas hal ini akan mengangkat martabat dan kehormatan serta kemuliaan siapa pun yang menirunya. Allah Swt berfirman dalam QS. Al Qolam [68] ayat 4, “ Dan sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar berbudi pekerti yang agung.”

Orang lain akan merasakan kita sebagai penyabar, rendah hati, berakhlak mulia, dermawan, dsb. Ketika kita melakukan semua itu bukan untuk dipuji orang lain, melainkan memang perilaku tersebut harus kita alkukan sebagai ibadah sehingga kemuliaan yang ada bena-benar murni tanpa rekyasa—tamak terhadap pujian—dan penghargaan makhluk. Hal itu dapat kita dapatkan dari suriteladan Rasulullah saw.

3. Hidup lebih Disukai dan Disayangi Orang Lain

Pribadi Rasul adalah pribadi yang menyenangkan dan penuh manfaat bagi orang banyak sehingga secara tidak langsung pribadi kita pun akan menjadi pribadi yang menyenangkan dan bermanfaat. Tentu saja hal ini akan menimbulkan simpati, hormat, dan kasih saying dari orang lain.

Sungguh nikmat hidup dengan hati yang damai dan tentram, betapa pun kita berada dalam kancah kehidupan yang hiruk pikuk penuh masalah. Kasih sayang dan perhatian yang tulus dari orang lain buah dari pribadi kita yang baik akan turut membuat hidup ini lebih indah dan terasa sangat mengesankan.

4. Hidup Akan Lebih Berprestasi

Sebagaimana yang kita maklumi bahwa Rasulullah sangat menjaga mutu daru ap yang beliau lakukan. Selalu berusaha melakukan yang terbaik dengan konsep yang jelas dan perencanaan yang matang. Sikap yang professional, dengan etos kerja yang prima. Hasilnya pu terbukti dan teruji kekokohannya hingga saat ini.

Bisa dibayangkan sendiri andaikata kita hidup seperti hidup bilau, insya Allah kemampuan berkarya dan berprestasi kita akan melejit. Potensi akan berkembang maksimal. Aneka masalah akan terkemas menjadi sesuatu yang bernilai tambah bagi kemajuan positif kita. Disadari atau tidak, kita pun akan terkejut sendiri melihat kemampuan yang berlipat ganda dari upaya mempersembahkan yang terbaik dari kehidupan ini.

5. Akan Dicintai Allah dan Rasul – Nya

Allah Yang Maha Agung telah berjanji untuk mencintai siapa pun yang mencintai kekasih-Nya. Sebagaimana yang kita maklumi, orang yang paling beruntung adalah orang yang dicintai oleh Allah Rabb al-‘Alamin.

Allah Awt Mahatahu keadaan kita yang sebenarnya, baik itu harapan, kebutuhan yang terpikirkan maupun yang belum terlintas sama sekali pun. Maka, tiada kesempurnaan nikmat dalam hidup selain menjadi makhluk yang dicintai dan disayangi Allah Swt. Allahu Akbar!

6. Insya Allah akan Masuk Surga

Ingatlah! Bahwa seseorang akan mengikuti siapa yang dicintainya. Dalam hadist yang berasal dari Anas ra (HR Muttafaq ‘alaih) dikatakan bahwa seseorang bertanya kepada Rasulullah saw, “Kapan tibanya hari kiamat wahai Rasul?” Rasul menjawab, “ Apakah yang telah kamu persipakan untuknya?” Orang itu balas menjawab, “ Aku tidak banyak merpersiapkan shalat, zakat, puasa dan sedekah untuk itu. Tetapi aku mencintai Allah dan Rasul-Nya.” Rasulullah kemudian menjawab, “Kamu bersana siapa yang kamu cintai.”

Ini berarti dengan mengenal serta mengamalkan dengan sungguh-sungguh apa yang dicontohkan oleh pribadi Rasul, maka akan timbul perasaan cinta dan rindu ingin berjumpa dengannya. Insya Allah semua ini merupakan tanda cinta kepada Rasul yang bakal menghantarkan kita menjadi ahli surga.

Rasulullah saw bagaikan cahaya yang terang bernderang menyisir kegelapan dan memperjelas setiap langkah menuju keselamatan. Ia juga memperjelas mana jurang yang dapat membinasakan sehingga kita tidak jatuh ke jurang tersebut. Dialah pemilik pribadi agung yang keutamaan dan kemuliaanya tidak pernah lekang ditelan zaman dan takkan habis dimakan waktu.

by: ust. fajar ari.


Sebuah asa sekarang datang kembali. tentang mimpi-mimpi manusia yang telah kandas dahulu.
Tahukah kalian tentang kehidupan?
Apa arti hidup ini?
Untuk apa kalian hidup?
Tujuan kalian datang kekehidupan?

sekarang ada keajaiban...

sebuah kehancuran ata kekacauan

bak mawar yang berguguran...

World Taekwondo Federation

Article 1. Purpose
The purpose of the Competition Rules is to manage fairly and smoothly all matters
pertaining to competitions of all levels to be promoted and / or organized by the
WTF, Regional Unions and member National Associations, ensuring the application
of standardized rules.
Article 2. Application
The Competition Rules shall apply to all the competitions to be promoted and / or
organized by the WTF, each Regional Union and member National Association.
However, any member National Association wishing to modify some any part of the
Competition Rules must first gain the approval of the WTF.
Article 3. Competition Area
The Competition Area shall measure 10m x 10m using the metric system. The
Competition Area shall have a flat surface without any obstructing projections, and
be covered with an elastic mat.
The Competition Area may also be installed on a platform 0.5m – 0.6m high from the
base, if necessary, and the outer part of the Boundary Line shall be inclined with a
gradient of less than 30 degrees, for the safety of the contestants.
1. Demarcation of the Competition Area
1) The 10m x 10m area shall be called the Competition Area, and the marginal line
of the Competition Area shall be called the Boundary Line. The front Boundary
Line adjacent to the Recorder’s Desk and the Commission Doctor’s Desk shall be
deemed Boundary Line #1. Clockwise from Boundary Line #1, the other lines
shall be called Boundary Lines #2, #3, and #4.
2. Indication of Positions
1) Position of the Referee
The position of the Referee shall be marked at a point 1.5m back from the center
Competition Rules 3
point of the Contest Area to the 3rd Boundary Line and designated as the
Referee’s Mark.
2) Position of the Judges
The position of the 1st Judge shall be marked at a point 0.5m from the corner of
boundary line #1 and boundary line #2. The position of the 2nd Judge shall be
marked at a point 0.5m from the corner of boundary line #2 and boundary line
#3. The position of the 3rd Judge shall be marked at a point 0.5m from the corner
of boundary line #3 and boundary line #4. The position of the 4th Judge shall be
marked at a point 0.5m from the corner of boundary line #4 and boundary line
3) Position of the Recorder
The position of the Recorder shall be marked at a point 2m back from boundary
line #1 facing the Competition Area 2m adjacent to the corner of boundary line
#1 and boundary line#2.
4) Position of the Commission Doctor
The position of the Commission Doctor shall be marked at a point more than 3m
to the right side from the Boundary Line.
5) Positions of the Contestants
The position of the Contestants shall be marked at two opposing points, 1m from
the center point of the Competition Area, 5m from Boundary Line #1 (red
Contestant toward Boundary Line #2 and blue Contestant toward #4).
6) Position of the Coaches
The position of the Coaches shall be marked at a point 1m away from the center
point of the Boundary Line of each contestant’ s side.
7) Position of the Inspection Desk
The position of the Inspection Desk shall be near the entrance of the Competition
Area for inspection of the contestants’ protective equipment.
Competition Rules 4
Diagram 1. Field of Taekwondo Play
Ⅰ. Field of Taekwondo Play
Ⅱ. Competition Area
Ⅲ. Boundary
Ⅲ-1. 1st Boundary Line
Ⅲ-2. 2nd Boundary Line
Ⅲ-3. 3rd Boundary Line
Ⅲ-4. 4th Boundary Line
1. Referee’s Mark
2. Judge’s Mark
3. Recorder’s Mark
4. Commission Doctor’s mark
5-1. Blue Contestant’s mark
5-2. Red Contestant’s mark
6-1. Blue Coach’s mark
6-2. Red Coach’s mark
Diagram 2. Competition Platform
Competition Rules 5
Article 4. Contestant
1. Qualification of Contestant
1) Holder of the nationality of the participating team
2) One recommended by the national Taekwondo Association
3) Holder of Taekwondo Dan certificate issued by the Kukkiwon / WTF, and in
case of the World Junior Taekwondo Championships, holder of Kukkiwon
Poom / Dan certificate aged 14 through 17 years old based on the year when
the Championships are held.
2. Contestant Uniform and Protective Equipment
1) The contestant shall wear the trunk protector, head protector, groin guard,
forearm guards, shin guards, gloves and a mouthpiece before entering the contest
2) The groin guard, forearm guards and shin guards shall be worn beneath the
Taekwondo uniform. The contestant shall bring this WTF-approved protective
equipment, as well as gloves and the mouthpiece, for his/her personal use.
Wearing any item on the head other than the head protector shall not be
3. Medical Control
1) At the Taekwondo events promoted or sanctioned by the WTF, any use or
administration of drugs or chemical substances described in the WTF Antidoping
by-laws is prohibited. However, the IOC Anti-doping by-laws shall be
applied to the Taekwondo competition of Olympic Games and other multisports
2) The WTF may carry our any medical testing deemed necessary to ascertain if
a contestant has committed a breach of this rule, and any winner who refuses
to undergo this testing or who proves to have committed such a breach shall
be removed from the final standings, and the record shall be transferred to the
contestant next in line in the competition standings.
3) The Organizing Committee shall be liable for arrangements to carry out
medical testing.
Competition Rules 6
4) The details of the WTF Anti-Doping Regulation shall be enacted as part of the
Article 5. Weight Division
1. Weights are divided into male and female divisions.
2. Weight divisions are basically divided as follows;
Male division Female division
Fin Not exceeding 54kg Not exceeding 47 kg
Fly Over 54 kg &
Not exceeding 58 kg
Over 47 kg &
Not exceeding 51 kg
Bantam Over 58 kg &
Not exceeding 62 kg
Over 51 kg &
Not exceeding 55 kg
Feather Over 62 kg &
Not exceeding 67 kg
Over 55 kg &
Not exceeding 59 kg
Light Over 67 kg &
Not exceeding 72 kg
Over 59 kg &
Not exceeding 63 kg
Welter Over 72 kg &
Not exceeding 78 kg
Over 63 kg &
Not exceeding 67 kg
Middle Over 78 kg &
Not exceeding 84 kg
Over 67 kg &
Not exceeding 72 kg
Heavy Over 84 kg Over 72 kg
3. Weight divisions for the Olympic Games are divided as follows;
Male division Female division
Not exceeding 58kg Not exceeding 49kg
Over 58kg & not exceeding 68kg Over 49kg & not exceeding 57kg
Over 68kg & not exceeding 80kg Over 57kg & not exceeding 67kg
Over 80kg Over 67kg
4. Weight divisions for the World Junior Championships are divided as follows.
Competition Rules 7
Male division Female division
Fin Not exceeding 45kg Not exceeding 42 kg
Fly Over 45 kg &
Not exceeding 48 kg
Over 42 kg &
Not exceeding 44 kg
Bantam Over 48 kg &
Not exceeding 51 kg
Over 44 kg &
Not exceeding 46 kg
Feather Over 51 kg &
Not exceeding 55 kg
Over 46 kg &
Not exceeding 49 kg
Light Over 55 kg &
Not exceeding 59 kg
Over 49 kg &
Not exceeding 52 kg
Welter Over 59 kg &
Not exceeding 63 kg
Over 52 kg &
Not exceeding 55 kg
Light Middle Over 63 kg &
Not exceeding 68 kg
Over 55 kg &
Not exceeding 59 kg
Middle Over 68 kg &
Not exceeding 73 kg
Over 59 kg &
Not exceeding 63 kg
Light Heavy Over 73 kg &
Not exceeding 78 kg
Over 63 kg &
Not exceeding 68 kg
Heavy Over 78 kg Over 68 kg
Article 6. Classification and Methods of Competition
1. Competitions are divided as follows.
1) Individual competition shall normally be between contestants in the same
weight class. When necessary, adjoining weight class may be combined to
create a single classification. No contestant is allowed to participate in more
than one (1) weight category in one event.
2) Team Competition: Systems of Competition
(1) Five (5) contestants by weight classification with the following category
Male division Female division
Not exceeding 54kg Not exceeding 47kg
Over 54kg & not exceeding 63kg Over 47kg & not exceeding 54kg
Over 63kg & not exceeding 72kg Over 54kg & not exceeding 61kg
Over 72kg & not exceeding 82kg Over 61kg & not exceeding 68kg
Over 82kg Over 68kg
Competition Rules 8
(2) Eight (8) contestants by weight classification
(3) Four (4) contestants by weight classification (Consolidation of the eight
weight classifications into four weight categories by combining two
adjoining weight classes)
2. Systems of competition are divided as follows.
1) Single elimination tournament system
2) Round robin system
3. Taekwondo competition of the Olympic Games shall be conducted in individual
competition system between contestants.
4. All International-level competitions recognized by the WTF shall be formed with
participation of at least 4 countries with no less than 4 contestants in each weight
class, and any weight class with less than 4 contestants cannot be recognized in the
official results.
*Point system
Team ranking shall be decided by the total points based on the following guidelines.
- Basic one (1) point per each contestant who entered the competition area after passing
the official weigh-in
- One (1) point per each win (win by a bye included)
- Additional seven (7) points per one gold medal
- Additional three (3) points per one silver medal
- Additional one (1) point per one bronze medal
In case more than two (2) teams are in tie score, the rank shall be decided by 1) number of gold, silver
and bronze medals won by the team in order, 2) number of participating contestants and 3) higher
points in heavier weight category.
Article 7. Duration of Contest
The duration of the contest shall be three rounds of two minutes each, with a oneminute
rest period between rounds.
In case of a tie score after the completion of the 3rd round, a 4th round of two minutes
will be conducted as the sudden death overtime round, after a one-minute rest
period following the 3rd round.
Competition Rules 9
Article 8. Drawing of Lots
1. The drawing of lots shall be conducted one day prior to the first competition in the
presence of the WTF officials and the representatives of the participating nations, and
the drawing of lots shall be done from Fin weight up in the English alphabetical
order of the official names of the participating nations.
2. Officials shall be designated to draw lost on behalf of the officials of participating
nations not present at the drawing.
3. The order of the draw may be changed according to the decision of the Head of
Team meeting.
Article 9. Weigh-in
1. Weigh-in of the contestants on the day of competition shall be completed on the
previous day of the pertinent competition.
2. During weigh-in, the male contestant shall wear underpants and the female
contestant shall wear underpants and brassiere. However, weigh-in may be
conducted in the nude in the case that the contestant wishes to do so.
3. Weigh-in shall be made once, however, one more weigh-in is granted within the
time limit to the contestant who did not qualify the first time.
4. So as not to be disqualified during official weigh-in, scales, the same as the official
one, shall be provided at the contestants’ place of accommodation or at the arena for
Article 10. Procedure of the Contest
1. Call for contestants
The name of the contestants shall be announced three times beginning three minutes
prior to the scheduled start of the contest. The contestant who fails to appear in the
contest area within one minute after the scheduled start of the competition shall be
regarded as withdrawn.
2. Physical and Costume Inspection
Competition Rules 10
After being called, the contestants shall undergo physical and costume inspection at
the designated inspection desk by the inspector designated by the WTF, and the
contestant shall not show any signs of aversion, and also shall not bear any materials
which may cause harm to the other contestant.
3. Entering Competition Area
After inspection, the contestant shall enter into the waiting position with one coach.
4. Start and end of the contest
The contest in each round shall begin with the declaration of “Shi-jak (start)” by the
referee and shall end with the declaration of “Keu-man (stop)” by the referee. Even if
the referee has not declared “Keu-man”, the contest shall be regarded as having
ended when the prescribed time is over.
5. Procedure before the Beginning and after the End of the Contest
1) The contestants shall face each other and make a standing bow at the referee’s
command of “Cha-ryeot (attention)” and “Kyeong-rye (bow)”. A standing
bow shall be made from the natural standing posture of “Cha-ryeot” by
bending the waist at an angle of more than 30 degrees with the head inclined
to an angle more than 45 degrees and the fists clenched at the sides of the legs.
2) The referee shall start the contest by commanding “Joon-bi (ready)” and “Shijak
3) After the end of the last round, the contestants shall stand at their respective
position facing each other and exchange a standing bow at the referee’s
command of “Cha-ryeot”, “Kyeong-rye”, and then wait for the referee’s
declaration of decision in a standing posture.
4) The referee shall declare the winner by raising his/her own hand to the
winner’s side.
5) Retirement of the contestants
6. Contest Procedure in Team Competition
1) Both teams shall stand facing each other in line in submitted team order
towards the 1st Boundary Line from the Contestants’ marks.
2) Procedure before the beginning and after the end of the contest shall be
Competition Rules 11
conducted as in Item 5 of this article.
3) Both teams shall leave the Contest Area and stand by at the designated area
for each contestant’s match.
4) Both teams shall line up in the Contest Area immediately after the end of the
final match facing each other.
5) The referee shall declare the winning team by raising his/her own hand to the
winning team’s side
Article 11. Permitted Techniques and Areas
1. Permitted Techniques
1) Fist technique: Delivering techniques by using the front parts of the forefinger
and middle finger of the tightly clenched fist.
2) Foot technique: Delivering techniques by using the parts of the foot below the
ankle bone
2. Permitted Areas
1) Trunk: Attack by fist and foot techniques on the areas covered by the trunk
protector are permitted. However, such attacks shall not be made on the part
of the spine.
2) Face: This area is the face excluding the back of the head, and attack by foot
techniques only is permitted.
Article 12. Valid Points
1. Legal Scoring Areas
1) Mid-section of the trunk: The part covered by the trunk protector
2) Face: The whole part of the face including both ears
2. Points shall be awarded when permitted techniques are delivered accurately and
Competition Rules 12
powerfully to the legal scoring areas of the body.
3. The valid points are divided as follows.
1) One (1) point for attack on trunk protector
2) Two (2) points for attack on face.
3) One (1) additional point shall be awarded in the event that the contestant is
knocked down and the referee counts.
4. Match score shall be the sum of points of the three rounds.
5. Invalidation of points: When a contestant performs an attack to score through the
use of the prohibited acts, the points scored shall be annulled.
Article 13. Scoring and Publication
1. Valid points shall be immediately recorded and publicized.
2. In the use of body protectors not equipped with electronics, valid points shall be
immediately marked by each judge by using the electronic scoring instrument or
judge’s scoring sheet.
3. In the use of electronic trunk protectors
1) Valid points scored on the mid-section of the trunk shall be recorded
automatically by the transmitter in the electronic trunk protector.
2) Valid points scored to the face shall be marked by each judge by using the
electronic scoring instrument or judge’s scoring sheet.
4. In the case of scoring with an electronic scoring instrument or on a judge’s scoring
sheet, valid points shall be those recognized by at least three or more judges.
Article 14. Prohibited acts and Penalties
1. Penalties on any prohibited acts shall be declared by the referee.
2. Penalties are divided into “Kyong-go (warning penalty)” and “Gam-jeom
(deduction penalty)”.
Competition Rules 13
3. Two “Kyong-go”s shall be counted as deduction of one (1) point. However, the
odd “Kyong-go” shall not be counted in the grand total.
4. A “Gam-jeom” shall be counted as minus one (-1) point.
5. Prohibited acts
1) The following acts shall be classified as prohibited acts, and “Kyong-go” shall
be declared.
a. Crossing the Boundary Line
b. Evading by turning the back to the opponent
c. Falling down
d. Avoiding the match
e. Grabbing, holding or pushing the opponent
f. Attacking below the waist
g. Pretending injury
h. Butting or attacking with knee
i. Hitting the opponent’s face with the hand
j. Uttering undesirable remarks or any misconduct on the part of a
contestant or a coach
2) The following acts shall be classified as prohibited acts, and “Gam-jeom” shall
be declared.
a. Attacking the opponent after “Kal-yeo”
b. Attacking the fallen opponent
c. Throwing down the opponent by grappling the opponent’s attacking foot
in the air with the arm or by pushing the opponent with the hand
d. Intentionally attacking the opponent’s face with the hand
e. Interrupting the progress of the match on the part of a contestant or a
f. Violent or extreme remarks or behavior on the part of a contestant or a
6. When a contestant intentionally refuses to comply with the Competition Rules or
the referee’s order, the referee may declare the contestant loser by penalty after one
(1) minute.
7. When a contestant receives minus four (-4) points, the referee shall declare the
Competition Rules 14
contestant loser by penalties.
8. “Kyong-go” and “Gam-jeom” shall be counted in the total score of the three
9. When the referee suspends a contest for declaration of ‘Kyong-go’ or ‘Gam-jeom’,
the contest time shall not be counted from the moment of the referee’s declaration of
‘Kye-shi’ until ‘Kye-sok’ is declared for resumption of the contest.
Article 15. Sudden Death and Decision of Superiority
1. In the event of a tied score after the completion of the 4th round, the winner shall
be decided by superiority of all refereeing officials. The final decision shall be based
on the initiative shown during the 4th round.
Article 16. Decisions
1. Win by K.O
2. Win by Referee Stop Contest (RSC)
3. Win by score or superiority
(1) Win by final score
(2) Win by Point Gap
When there is a 7-point gap, the match will be stopped and a winner declared.
(3) Win by Point Ceiling
When a competitor scores a maximum of 12 points, the match shall be stopped
and a winner declared.
4. Win by withdrawal
5. Win by disqualification
6. Win by referee’s punitive declaration
Article 17. Knock Down
Competition Rules 15
1. When any part of the body other than the sole of the foot touches the floor due to
the force of the opponent’s delivered technique.
2. When a contestant is staggered showing no intention or ability to pursue the match
3. When the referee judges that the contest cannot continue as the result of any power
technique having been delivered.
Article 18. Procedure in the event of a Knock Down
1. When a contestant is knocked down as the result of the opponent’s legitimate
attack, the referee shall take the following measures.
1) The referee shall keep the attacker away from downed contestant by
declaration of “Kal-yeo (break)”.
2) The referee shall count aloud from “Ha-nah (one)” up to “Yeol (ten)” at one
second interval towards the downed contestant, making hand signals
indicating the passage of time.
3) In case the downed contestant stands up during the referee’s count and
desires to continue the fight, the referee shall continue the count up to “Yeodul
(eight)” for recovery of the downed contestant. The referee shall then
determine if the contestant is recovered and, if so, continue the contest by
declaration of “Kye-sok (continue)”.
4) When a contestant who has been knocked down cannot demonstrate the will
to resume the contest by the count of “Yeo-dul (eight)”, the referee shall
announce the other contestant winner by K.O.
5) The count shall be continued even after the end of the round or the expiration
of the match time
6) In case both contestants are knocked down, the referee shall continued
counting as long as one of the contestants has not sufficiently recovered.
7) When both contestants fail to recover by the count of “Yeol”, the winner shall
be decided upon the match score before the occurrence of Knock Down.
8) When it is judged by the referee that a contestant is unable to continue, the
referee may decide the winner either without counting or during the counting.
2. Procedures to be followed after the contest
Any contestant suffering a knockout as the result of a blow to the head will not be
allowed to compete for the next 30 days. Before entering a new contest after 30 days,
the contestant must be examined by a medical doctor designated by the National
Competition Rules 16
Taekwondo Association, who must certify that the contestant is recovered and able
to compete.
Article 19. Procedures for suspending the match
When a contestant is to be stopped due to the injury of one or both contestants, the
referee shall take the following measures, while in case of the situation which
warrants suspending the contest beyond the prescribed procedure, the referee shall
declare “Shi-gan (time)” and resume the contest by declaring “Kye-sok (continue)”.
1. The referee shall suspend the contest by declaration of “Kal-yeo” and order the
recorders to suspend the time keeping by announcing “Kye-shi (suspend)”.
2. The referee shall allow the contestant to receive first aid within one minute.
3. The contestant who does not demonstrate the will to continue the contest after one
minute, even in the case of a slight injury, shall be declared loser by the referee.
4. In case resumption of the contest is impossible after one minute, the contestant
causing the injury by a prohibited act to be penalized by “Gam-jeom” shall be
declared loser.
5. In case both the contestants are knocked down and are unable to continue the
contest after one minute, the winner shall be decided upon points scored before the
injuries occurred.
6. When it is judged that a contestant’s health is at risk due to losing consciousness of
falling in an apparently dangerous condition, the referee shall suspend the contest
immediately and order first aid to be administered. The referee shall declare as loser,
the contestant causing the injury if it is deemed to have resulted from a prohibited
attack to be penalized by “Gam-jeom”, or in the case the attack was not deemed to be
penalized by “Gam-jeom”, shall decide the winner on the basis of the score of the
match before suspension of the time.
Article 20. Refereeing Officials
Competition Rules 17
1. Qualifications
Holders of International Referee Certificate registered by the WTF
2. Duties
1) Referee
(1) The referee shall have control over the match]
(2) The referee shall declare “Shi-jak”, “Keu-man”, “Kal-yeo”, “Kye-sok” and
“Kye-shi”, winner and loser, deduction of points, warnings and retiring.
All the referees’ declarations shall be made when the results are
(3) The referee shall have the right to make decisions independently in
accordance with the prescribed rules.
(4) The referee shall not award points.
(5) In case of a tie or scoreless match the decision of superiority shall be made
by all refereeing officials after the end of the fourth round.
2) Judges
(1) The judges shall mark the valid points immediately.
(2) The judges shall sate their opinions forthrightly when requested by the
3. Responsibility for Judgement
Decisions made by the referees and judges shall be conclusive and they shall be
responsible to the Competition Supervisory Board for those decisions.
4. Uniform of the Refereeing Officials
1) The referees and judges shall wear the uniform designated by the WTF.
2) The refereeing officials shall not carry or take any materials to the arena
which might interfere with the contest.
Article 21. Recorder
Competition Rules 18
The recorder shall time the contest and periods of time-out, suspension, and also
shall record and publicize the awarded points, and/or deduction of points.
Article 22. Assignment of Refereeing Officials
1. Composition of Refereeing Officials’ Squad
1) With the use of a non-electronic trunk protector, the officials’ squad is
composed of one (1) referee and four (4) judges.
2) With the use of an electronic trunk protector, the officials’ squad is composed
of one (1) referee and two (2) judges.
2. Assignment of Refereeing Officials
1) The assignment of the referees and judges shall be made after the contest
schedule is fixed.
2) Referees and judges with the same nationality as that of either contestant shall
not be assigned to such a contest. However, an exception shall be made for
the judges when the number of refereeing officials is insufficient as the case
may be.
Article 23. Other matters not specified in the Rules
In the case that any matters not specified in the Rules occur, they shall be dealt with
as follows.
1. Matters related to the competition shall be decided through consensus by the
refereeing officials of the pertinent contest.
2. Matters not related to the specific contest shall be decided by the Executive
Council or its proxy.
3. The Organizing Committee shall prepare a video tape recorder at each court for
recording and preservation of the match process.
Competition Rules 19
Article 24. Arbitration and Sanction
1. Composition of the Competition Supervisory Board
1) Qualification of members—Qualified Competition Supervisory Board members
shall be members of the WTF Executive Council or persons with sufficient
Taekwondo experience and who are recommended by the WTF President or
Secretary General. One Technical Delegate shall be the ex-officio member.
2) Composition of the Competition Supervisory Board: one Chairman and fewer
than six members plus the Technical Delegate
3) The President, on the recommendation of the Secretary General, shall appoint
the Chairman and members of the Competition Supervisory Board.
2. Responsibility: The Competition Supervisory Board shall make corrections of
referees’ or judges’ misjudgments in accordance to the board members’ decisions on
protests, and take disciplinary action against officials who make such misjudgments
or engage in any illegal behavior. The results of such disciplinary decisions shall be
sent to the Secretariat of the WTF. The Competition Supervisory Board shall evaluate
the performances of referees and judges. The Competition Supervisory Board shall
also concurrently act as the Extraordinary Committee of Sanction during competition
with regard to competition management matters.
3. Procedure of Protest
1) In case there is an objection to a referee judgement, an official delegate of the
team must submit an application for re-evaluation of decision (protest
application) together with the prescribed fee to the Competition Supervisory
Board within 10 minutes after pertinent contest.
2) Deliberation of re-evaluation shall be carried out excluding those members
with the same nationality as that of either contestant concerned, and
resolution on deliberation shall be made by majority.
3) The members of the Competition Supervisory Board may summon the
refereeing officials for confirmation of events.
4) The resolution made by the Competition Supervisory Board will be final and
no further means of appeal will be applied.
4. Procedure of Sanction
1) The WTF President or Secretary General (in case of their absence, the
Technical Delegate) may request the Extraordinary Committee of Sanction for
deliberation when any of the following behaviors are committed by a coach or
Competition Rules 20
a contestant.
a. Interfering with the management of contest
b. Stirring up the spectators or spreading false rumor
2) When judged reasonable, the Extraordinary Committee of Sanction shall
deliberate over the matter and take disciplinary action immediately. The
result of deliberation shall be announced to the public and reported to the
WTF Secretariat afterwards.
3) The Extraordinary Committee of Sanction may summon the person concerned
for confirmation of events.

from:kanada taekwondo

Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Passing (Mengumpan)

Nama : Dony Kusuma Ariwibawa
NIM : 6101408050
Prodi : PJKR

Umpan yang tepat adalah salah atu kunci keberhasilan serangan sebuah tim dan unsur penentu tembakan-tembakan yang berpeluang besar mencetak angka.
Tujuan mengumpan adalah untuk mendekatkan bola pada daerah lawan sehingga mampu mencetak angka ke daerah lawan.
Dalam mengumpan perlu diperhatikan sikap yang dibentuk sebelum memberikan bola kepada teman satu tim yaitu posisi awal mengumpan adalah triple threat.
Kemudian posisi melempar bola adalah tangan langsung melecutkan bola ke teman satu team tanpa mengangkat bola sejajar kepala terlebih dahulu. Posisi akhir tangan adalah menghadap ke arah luar. Dengan putaran bola memutar ke belakang top spin agar hasil bola yang diperoleh adalah datar sesuai dengan lecutan ynag diinginkan.
Beberapa jenis passing / mengumpan adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Chest Pass (Umpan Dada)
Adalah mengumpan kepada teman satu team sejajar dengan dada target yang akan diumpan.
2. Bounce Pass ( Umpan Pantul)
Adalah mengumpan bola kepada teman satu team dengan memantulkan ke atas lantai dengan jarak pantulan tiga perempat bagian jarak kita dengan target yang akan diumpan.
3. Overhead Pass (Umpan Atas Kepala)
Adalah mengumpan bola kepada teman satu team dengan mengangkat bola di atas kepala kita tetapi arah bola tepat pada dada target yang diumpan.
4. Side Pass (Umpan Samping)
Adalah mengumpankan bola kepada teman satu team dengan satu tangan dimana bola yang akan kita umpankan berada disamping kita dengan boal ditargetkan pada dada teman.
Pada side pass kita bias menggunakan umpan berupa Chest Pass, Bounce Pass, Overhead Pass.
Posisi setelah menerima bola adalah melangkahkan kaki ke depan untuk menghampiri bola(jika tidak sampai), Kaki ke belakang untuk meredam kelajuan bola dengan posisi bola berada dibelakang kita.
Latihan yang digunakan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan barisan yang berada pada sudut-sudut pada setengah lapangan. Mengumpan silang dengan satu atau dua bola untuk koordinasi tim.

lay up

Nama : Dony Kusuma Ariwibawa
NIM : 6101408050
Prodi : PJKR

Lay Up
Adalah Lay (meletakkan, menempatkan), Up (ke atas, naik). Dengan artian bahwasanya meletakkan bola pada ring sehingga bola masuk dan menghasilkan angka. Ini berbeda dengan bola yang dilempar sehingga memantul keras pada ring, hasil yang diperoleh adalah masuk tanpa benturan keras antara bola dengan ring.
Pada kondisi ini yang perlu diperhatikan adalah langkah, posisi bola dan masuknya bola. Semua itu saling melengkapi dalam terciptanya hasil yang baik.
Beberapa sikap saat melakukan Lay Up.
Sikap Pertama adalah berdiri tepat disamping ring basket dengan sudut tertentu dengan mengangkat salah satu kaki. Lay Up Kanan dimana berada pada kiri lawan menggunakan kaki kiri sebagai tumpuan dengan mengangkat kaki kanan disertai melemparkan bola menggunakan tangan kanan. Untuk Lay Up kiri meggunakan gerakan sebaliknya.
Sikap Kedua adalah menggunakan awalan triple threat kemudian melangkahkan kaki untuk melakukan Lay Up, gerakan kaki dilakukan sebanyak dua langkah. Lay Up dilakukan seperti sikap pertama.
Sikap Ketiga adalah telah menempatkan kaki kanan didepan untuk Lay Up kanan, dan melangkah seperti sikap kedua.
Sikap Keempat adalah sama seperti sikap ketiga tetapi pada awalan ditambahkan satu pantulan bola sebelum melaksanakan Lay Up.
Sikap Kelima adalah sama seperti sikap ketiga tetapi pada awalan ditambahkan beberapa pantulan sesuai keinginan pemain, kemudian melakukan Lay Up
Sikap Keenam adalah mendrible (berjalan) bola dahulu pada awalan sebelum Lay Up denagn jarak tertentu dimana tidak terlalu jauh dari ring (dari garis tiga angka) perlu diperhatikan bahwa kita harus konsentrasi pada saat pantulan terakhir drible untuk melakukan Lay Up.
Sikap ketujuh adalah melakukan Lay Up dengan sesungguhnya, dari garis tengah dengan awalan mendrible dan berkonsentrasi melakukan Lay Up, perhatikan langkah saat akan memulai gerakan.

Cara mengkoordinasi gerakan pada saat akan melakukan Lay Up dalam satu tim.

photone ane

photone ane